Friday, July 15, 2011

Lest's Eat!!

Let’s eat are one of the most inviting words inviting words we can hear when we are around a big layout of food. If we think of Thanksgiving, and other holidays or celebrations where everyone is waiting to eat. Finally when the cook give the okay it is like a mad house of grabbing this and passing that until you plate is heaping full and you can not possible fit any more on it. Then you go for round two and so on and so forth. I love having feast like this, but how often do we have a feast spiritually? How long has it been since we have eaten spiritually? 

Growing up my dad was a bug collector for fun. In the Summer we would go out on the Weekends (Thur-Sat) to some obscure dirt road in Utah and Collect bugs. Many times though in the spring we would collect some caterpillars and we would take them home and raise them, mostly we would raise tiger months. I was put in charge of taking care of them. While looking back on this I see a valuable lesson I learned, if you don’t eat your strength will never come.
When I look at this lesson a scripture comes to mind in the book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 32:3 “ ..Wherefore, I said unto you, feast upon the words of Christ; for behold, the words of Christ will tell you all things what ye should do..” So as we see the Lord has given us a promise to us. If we feast then we will know what to do, and how to do it. Like wise it was with the caterpillars. When they first came out they were able to crawl and eat. But they still were tender and vulnerable to prey (like we are to Satan). But as they grew they are able to run faster and get away from danger (or sin and temptation for us). Then once they eat enough they eventually turn make a cocoon. They are stronger, but they are still able to be attacked. Now as they continue to do the things they are suppose to do, there is a change that happens inside of them, like wise that is with us. As we come unto God and do as he asks, we too change. The lord give us a great promise in this scripture, “I, the Lord, am bound when ye do what I say; but when ye do not what I say, ye have no promise.” So just as the caterpillars would eat and grow, that is just like us. If we eat we will grow our testimony and that testimony will set us free just like the butterfly is able to be freed from the cocoon.

This is the great blessing we can receive when we do as the Lord directs. But there is the other side, If we do not feast and eat on the words then we will die.. We will not have the testimony to help us through life to be an added strength to us. It’s our choice 2 Nephi 2:27, But for me I want to be free with Christ.

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