As a young boy, I learned a very important lesson that has impacted my life a great deal. I learned that "it's not enough to just do something, you must do it right the first time." My dad told me this many times growing up. This principle was illustrated to me by the trips my dad and I would take during my summers growing up. When we would go bug collecting we would pack a few things; a white sheet, a generator, and light bulbs. We would then go to our predetermined canyon and find an isolated place. Once we were at our destination, we would string the sheet between two trees and hook up the lights. We used two different types of lights, multi-vapor lights and black lights. Depending on what type of moth we were trying to catch, determined what lights or watts were needed to pull them in. After setting everything up, the real work would begin. We would have to keep checking the sheet at different times to see if anything new was on it. My dad would check it about every two or three hours. More times then not there would be something new on the sheet. This may seem like a lot of work to do for some moths, but I learned a great lesson in doing this. I learned that if something is worth it to you, then you must do everything you can to get it. It's not enough to pack up all the gear and not go out. Just like it's not enough to pack up all the gear, go out, and not set it up. We must put everything we have into it.

It is the same as we grow in our own lives. We need to decide how bad we want to come close to Christ. We need to decide if we will be like the man in Matthew Chapter 19, where a rich man came to Christ and asked how to receive eternal life
(Matt 19:16). Christ tells him to "keep the commandments". And the man replied I have since my youth. Then Christ extended this invitation. "Then sell all thou hast...and come follow me."
(Matt 19:21). At that time the man went away sorrowful.
(Matt19:22) What type of man will we be? We must make the choice today. We can not follow Christ only 50%, or even only 90% of the way; we must go all the way. As a missionary, I have seen many people that will meet with us and even pray. However, they are not willing to read continually or go to church. We must be willing to give all of ourselves to know God better and to strengthen our testimonies. Which in turn answer some of the bigger questions such as; is God really there, does He love me, is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints the church of God today, does the priesthood have authority from God to act in His name, and is it lead by a prophet of God today? If we want to know these things, we must be willing to do all that we can. Think about it, when Christ was paying for your sins in the Garden of Gethsemane, did he say, "oh wait, the game is on today I can't do it," Or "sorry everyone, it is cutting in to my free time, maybe later." He has given you everything and wants you to be more happy in this life and to be closer to Him. All He asks is for you to pray two times a day (morning and night), read at least 5-10 minutes a day, and to go to church weekly. Can't we give Him our all? For without Him we would be eternally lost! Let us give Him just a little of our time.